Fire Safety England Regulations Information Sharing

On 23 January 2023, new regulations under article 24 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (Fire Safety Order) comes into effect as a result of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase 1 report.

The regulations will make it a requirement for responsible persons of high-rise blocks of flats to provide information to Fire and Rescue Services in order for them to assist in planning and, if required, provide an effective operational response.

Who is the responsible person?

The responsible person is responsible for the safety of themselves and others who use regulated premises. This is usually the building owner, or in residential properties, any other person in control of the premises. The responsible person is the person on whom most of the duties set out in the Fire Safety Order are imposed.

What information needs to be provided?

The information to be shared includes details of the construction of the external walls, floor and buildings plans, and information on known faults with key firefighting equipment.

How to share this information with us

The required information can be submitted by the responsible person of a property by using the form link below.

Where faults are identified which cannot be rectified within 24 hours, the responsible person must report the fault as soon as reasonably practicable using the 'report a fault' form below. Once the fault has been rectified, please update using the 'report rectification of a fault' form.

Electronic sharing of plans

The responsible person should send PDF electronic copies of the plans to

When sending plans, please write HIGH RISE RISK INFO – BUILDING NAME (replace with the name of the building) in the subject field. Please also include in your email, the full name and address of the building and contact details for the responsible person.

Please submit separate emails for each high-rise residential premises that you are responsible for. For further information please visit:

Registration of buildings with Building Safety Regulator now underway

Since the launch of the new Building Safety Regulator (BSR), the BSR - requires all high-rise residential buildings in England to be registered with the regulator by the end of September 2023. Apply to register a high-rise residential building in England.

Failure to comply may result in legal consequences. The regulator emphasizes the urgency for owners and managers to act promptly. The BSR, an independent body within the Health and Safety Executive, is responsible for enforcing the new building safety laws and aims to enhance resident safety and confidence. High-rise buildings that are at least 18 meters tall or have seven or more floors with at least two residential units must be registered, providing essential details such as height, number of floors, residential units, and year of construction. Detailed guidance on registration and key building information requirements.