Reference: FOI 073/23


Received 8 June 2023


My request relates to how many reports of wrongdoing have been made as Whistle blowing (or termed protected disclosure under legislation)

  1. For the year 2020, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive?

  2. For the year 2021, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive?

  3. For the year 2022, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive?

  4. How many serving officers do you currently have?


Some of the Say So reported issues were not true whistleblowing just while getting used to the system.

  1. For the year 2020, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive? 0
  2. For the year 2021, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive? 9 (reported via Say So)
  3. For the year 2022, how many reports of whistle blowing did you receive? 2 (reported via Say So)
  4. How many serving officers do you currently have? 228