We are helping to raise public awareness around safeguarding measures so that communities and professionals understand the actions they can take to protect vulnerable persons.
What is safeguarding?
- Safeguarding means keeping people safe from harm, abuse and/or neglect
- Helping raise public awareness so that communities, alongside professionals, understand their part in preventing, identifying, and responding to abuse and neglect
- Providing information to help people understand the different types of abuse
- Informing people how to raise a concern about the safety or well-being of an adult or child
What is abuse?
- Behaviour that can lead to harm or distress
- It can happen to men, women and children
- It can be carried out anywhere by many different people
- Often abuse is carried out by someone known to and trusted by the victim
Types of abuse
Including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, misuse of restraint, or inappropriate behaviour.
Including rape and sexual assault, or sexual acts to which the person has not consented, or could not consent, or where pressure was applied to secure their consent.
Including verbal abuse, psychological abuse, threats, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.
Including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property, inheritance, financial transactions, the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.
Psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse and so called 'honour' based violence.
Including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, food, drink and heating.
Covers a wide range of behaviour including neglecting to care for one's personal hygiene, health or surroundings and behaviour such as hoarding.
Including racist or sexist remarks or comments based on a person's impairment, disability, age or illness, gender reassignment, sex and sexual preferences, religious beliefs/domination, race, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatments.
Involves the collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to vulnerable people. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour that amount to discrimination through unwitting prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and stereotyping. It includes a failure to ensure the necessary safeguards are in place to protect vulnerable adults and maintain good standards of care in accordance with individual needs, including training of staff, supervision and management, record keeping and liaising with other care providers.
Involves using the internet and mobile technologies with the intention of bullying or threatening another person with the possible intention of harm.
Happens when someone is faking a friendship in order to take advantage of a vulnerable person. Mate crime is committed by someone known to the person. They might have known them for a long time or met recently. A 'mate' may be a 'friend', family member, supporter, paid staff or another person with a disability.
Is defined as any crime that is perceived by the victim, or any other person, to be racist, homophobic or due to a person's religion, belief, gender identity or disability. It should be noted that this definition is based on the perception of the victim or anyone else and is not reliant on evidence.
Encompassing slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment.
Is a crime or incident, which has or may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family and/or community. It is a collection of practices, which are used to control behaviour within families or other social groups to protect perceived cultural and religious beliefs and/or honour. Such violence can occur when perpetrators perceive that a relative has shamed the family and/ or community by breaking their honour code.
Is a term used to describe a marriage in which one or both of the parties are married without their consent or against their will. A forced marriage differs from an arranged marriage, in which both parties consent to the assistance of their parents or a third party in identifying a spouse. Forced marriage can be a particular risk for people with learning difficulties and people lacking capacity.
Involves procedures that include the partial or total removal of the external female genital organs for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons. The practice is medically unnecessary, extremely painful and has serious health consequences, both at the time when the mutilation is carried out and in later life. The age at which girls undergo FGM varies enormously according to the community. The procedure may be carried out when the girl is new-born, during childhood or adolescence, just before marriage or during the first pregnancy. FGM constitutes a form of child abuse and violence against women and girls and has severe physical and psychological consequences. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the practice is illegal under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003.
Involves the exploitation of susceptible people who are drawn into violent extremism by radicalisers. Violent extremists often use a persuasive rationale and charismatic individuals to attract people to their cause. The aim is to attract people to their reasoning, inspire new recruits and embed their extreme views and persuade vulnerable individuals of the legitimacy of their cause. The Prevent Strategy, launched in 2007, seeks to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.
How can I report abuse?
If you feel that anyone, a child or an adult is at immediate risk of harm or their life is in danger call 999 or 101.
If you believe a child is in danger, contact:
Staffordshire Children’s Advice and Support (SCAS) - call 0300 111 8007
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Thursday
- 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday
Out of hours: call the Emergency Duty Service (EDS) Team - 0345 604 2886
Stoke on Trent
Children's Advice and Duty Service (CHaD) - call 01782 235100
- 8:30am - 6pm Monday to Friday
Out of hours: call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) – 01782 234234
The emergency duty team is available: Monday to Thursday 5:00pm to 8:30am, From 4:30pm on Friday to 8:30am Monday and on all bank holidays.
If you’re concerned an adult is at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect please discuss your concerns by contacting:
For urgent Safeguarding Concerns: 0345 604 2719
- 9:00am – 5:00pm Monday to Thursday (excludes bank holidays)
- 9:00am - 4:30pm Friday
Out of hours: contact the Emergency Duty Service on 0345 604 2886
The emergency duty team: If you have a concern about the safety of a vulnerable adult and need to report it overnight, over a weekend or on a Bank Holiday, call the EDS number above. For non-urgent calls email
The following details will be required:
- Name, Address, telephone, date of birth of the adult
- Full details of the concern
- Any actions taken, anybody else informed.
- Adult’s views, if known
- If the adult has been informed the referral is being made
- Contact details for the referrer and who can be contacted in their absence (or best time to contact etc).
Stoke on Trent
At all times if you need advice, call 24/7 number on 0800 561 0015