Olive branch
Olive Branch Training aims to raise awareness of Fire Safety issues in the home for those that visit vulnerable members of our community. The session encourages and will give confidence to a wide range of home visitors such as Social Workers, Domiciliary Care Providers, Occupational Health Therapists, Police Officers etc. to identify potential fire hazards and other risks. At the end of the session delegates will know how to make a referral to request a Home Fire Safety Visit.
A small team from SFRS have been working on the redesign and delivery of Olive Branch as after many years of successful delivery, we have taken the opportunity to refresh the training and combine this with innovative delivery methods, which no longer relies on teams to travel long distances to destinations at a given time; thus incurring travelling costs and travelling time and interrupting your working day. You can now access this training at a time and place convenient for you and your colleagues. We hope that by the end of the session, learners will know who to sign post to Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service for a Home Fire Safety Visit; to ensure their clients are as safe as possible in their homes. In addition to this, we hope it will support health care professionals and others to recognise fire risks; providing basic fire safety advice and to be able to advise clients what to do if they experience a fire in their home.
The primary aim of the Olive Branch Programme is to reduce the number of accidental dwelling fires, fire-related deaths and injuries across Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent.
We aim to raise awareness to those that are involved with caring for the elderly, disabled and vulnerable on a daily basis on how to identify hazards and to understand how to deal with these risks and to refer them on to the appropriate organisation.
The training is free of charge, it takes approximately 30 minutes. Each delegate will receive a certificate of attendance when they have watched the session and completed a short knowledge and understanding quiz. Certificates are valid for two years after which time we would recommend re doing the training.
Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service welcomes referrals for members of our community that may be of greater risk.

The below guidelines will help to inform whether a referral is needed:
- Those that live alone
- Those that are over the age of 65
- Those that smoke in the property
- There are no working smoke alarms in the property
- Occupier would have difficulty responding in an emergency
- There has been a fire previously or there are signs of a fire in the home
If you would benefit from Olive Branch and would like to know more about keeping people safe from fire in their homes please visit the Olive Branch Learn Live portal. You can then register your details to set up an account with Learn Live or if already registered directly log in. When you are logged in it will take you to the Olive Branch presentation where there will be an educational video followed by a short test. Once you have completed the test on Learn Live, we will send you an evaluation document to fill in and return to us. When we have received this you will then be issued with your Olive Branch Certificate.
If you would like to refer someone for a Home Fire Safety Visit please complete the partner referral form.