Fire Kills - e-bike and e-scooter fire safety video transcript

Make sure you charge your e-bike or scooter battery safely.

Follow these simple steps to reduce the risk of fire:

  • Don't leave your device charging unattended or when you're asleep.
  • Don't charge or store your batteries in the hallway or where it could block your escape.
  • Only use the correct charger for your battery.
  • Ensure you have working smoke alarms on every floor of your home, including where you charge your batteries.
  • Only buy e-bikes, e-scooters and batteries from trusted retailers and manufacturers.
  • Always follow the manufacturers instructions for charging and using your product.
  • Don't attempt to modify or tamper with the battery.
  • Check the product is marked with a CE or UKCA mark to ensure they comply with UK product safety standards
  • It is recommended that a professional carries out any e-bike conversion. They will be responsible for ensuring the e-bike is safe and fitted with the correct motor, battery and charger.

In the event of a fire, get out. Stay out. Call 999.